Coding With JavaScript - Course Description

JavaScript is the programming language that is used to power the dynamic content that you find on websites. From the highlight of a hyperlink to online video games, JavaScript brings the internet to life. It is very widely used in web design and provides a great introduction to formal computer programming concepts and object oriented coding. Here are some fun games written in JavaScript...


Weeks 1-3: Intro to Programming, Drawing Basics, Coloring, Variables and Animation Basics

Week 4: Text, Strings and Functions

Weeks 5-6: Logic, Conditional Statements and Looping

Weeks 7-8: Objects and Object Oriented Design

Weeks 9-12: Video Game Design and Execution


Time and Location

Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30pm at the Mathnasium of Park Slope: 361 5th Ave, Brooklyn 11215